Let's Try This Again

Hopefully some of you will remember me, it's been a long time of neglect on my behalf. Maybe you might be interested in an update of where i have been for the last year and a bit. Well School has been my main priority this year, with it being my final year of high school. Also the difficult task of decision making for my future provided quite a challenge. I'm still not sure on what i want to do completely, but, i have chosen a course and University that has some interest for me.
As the end of the year approaches i find myself organizing over-seas trips and collecting ideas for my room renovation... Super exciting! There is so much i have planned, some might be achievable but the others will most likely stay in my dreams.
I have reflected on a thought this past week and i thought i will mention it to you. Christmas is coming fast and the festivities and decorations are appearing in stores and embellishing houses. Although it came to my attention that, I am not very stimulated and moved by Christmas anymore. Do any of you feel that way sometimes? I'm not saying that i hate Christmas, but rather that my feelings towards it have dampened. This saddens me a lot because it should be a joy filled time of year. Anyway, hopefully i can lift my spirits and get back into the festivities of it all.
Did you guys know that i created a YouTube Channel? I must say that i have struggled with consistency of it all but, i have really enjoyed sitting in-front of a camera and talking to myself! Here is the link if you want to check it out; its about Makeup and beauty. https://www.youtube.com/user/BeautyGlamMiss
well that's about it for now, hope you have a fabulous day!

Lara xx


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